
Aughton and Ormskirk


Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Thursday afternoons 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
2nd and 4th Thursdays
Venue: Scout & Guide HQ
Cost: £2 per session with an option of refreshments for an extra 50p

The Scrabble Group meets up twice a month for a quiet, peaceful and relaxing afternoon of playing a well-loved game. Whatever your level you will be very welcome. If you have your own Scrabble set, please bring it with you though boards can be provided.

QuestionYour answer?Action
When you play at home do you always win?YesCome along and try new challenges!
When you play at home do you always lose?YesCome join us for some practice.

New players will be welcome to join this small, friendly group.

Scrabble shares the Small Hall (the Aughton Room) with the following "Indoor Games" Groups and members are able to join in their sessions. Contact their Leader if you need further information.

