
Aughton and Ormskirk

Tap Dancing

Status:Active, open to new members
Wendy Harris
When: Weekly on Thursday afternoons 1:30 pm-2:30 pm
Venue: Aughton Village Hall

Tap dancing is a fun and energetic exercise which challenges the mind as well as the feet. Our group is a mixed ability class who just dance for fun and exercise.

Everyone is welcome – no experience needed. So if you think you might like to get those feet tapping again or you’d like get in touch with your inner Ginger Rogers or Fred Astaire, please get in touch with the Leader.

We occasionally perform at productions put on by other "performance groups" and we have even been on the stage at Edge Hill University. Here is another performance we have been involved in for charity ...

Tapping for Macmillan

The u3a tap-dancers have taken part in a fundraiser for the Charity, MacMillan. They were led and encouraged by their ‘incredible’ tap-dancing teacher, Wendy Harris. Our small but enthusiastic group were able to join with Wendy’s other classes, which she holds in Southport.

The event was great fun and it was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our dancing in front of an appreciable audience. The event raised about £600 for this very worthy cause.