Do you need to publicise a u3a event or activity? Below are the deadlines for advertising by the various publicity methods.
Remember that you need to contact the editors separately for each of the various publications where you want your advert to appear. Sending to one editor does not mean that it will automatically appear in the others.
See the Contacts Page for links to the various Magazine, enews and facebook Editors and to the Web Team (for the Website and the Slideshow).
u3a Magazines
- The Autumn 2024 Magazine is now available in paper format during Horizons meetings or to download or ead online via the Magazines page on this website.
- So the deadline for this magazine is now passed
- But, no worries - read on below to see other, more immediate, ways of communicating your u3a Group and Event activities
- And you are very welcome to send in any relevant items for the Winter Magazine to the Magazine Editor from now on
Monthly enews
- Remember that the deadline for enews items is NOON on the last Monday of the month.
- So the deadline for items for the next enews is 12 noon on Monday 30 September
u3a Website
- Group and other News and Events, Photos etc: Deadline – Anytime As Required.
u3a Facebook
- Items for our facebook page: No Deadline – Anytime As Required
Horizons Slideshow
- Projected in the Scout & Guide HQ halls during Horizons: Deadline – Anytime As Required.
- View the latest Horizons Slideshow.
Horizons Announcements and Flyers
- Notes of announcements to be read out and / or prepared flyers for the tables: Deadline – Bring along to the appropriate Horizons meeting(s)
Notice Board and Pigeon Holes
- In the entrance lobby of the Scout & Guide HQ, there is a notice board where small posters for u3a Meetings and Events can inned up or viewed.
- At the far end of the Aughton Room in the Scout & Guide HQ, there is a set of pigeon holes for the posting of copies of u3a materials such as fliers, for u3a Meetings and Events, Management Committee Minutes etc.
- For posting, bring along to a timely Group or Horizons meeting.
- But remember to take down after the event, please.